Imagine if London was controlled by the military and you had to go through specific checkpoints to go to school, go to work, visit your friends or go to the hospital. No Way Through brings the shocking reality of Palestinian life in the West Bank uncomfortably close to home. Imagine living in a small plot of land that is blocked on all four corners—and you have NO way out. This is a reality for the millions of Palestinians living in Gaza today.
Take Action to help people in the Occupied Palestinian Territories get justice.
Keep the Palestinians in your Du'a, Inshallah Allah will guide them and protect them!
Toda una gran verdad, pero es que si al israeli militar que esta asi y le da el golpe con el arma y lo tumba creo que el 40% de los militares alli en palestina matan por matar, los demas controlan y controlan y golpean si es necesario , ley y orden eso crean alli control, es la demo cracia , y se dice asi mira, la palabra loco en ingles es cracy, y en latin y ingles etc.. la palabra demo biene de demond demonio, demonio loco, segun dicen los griegos es posesion demoniaca demo-cratia. cosas ..
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