El Emperador Obama queda desnudo ante la evidencia de la CNN: el atentado del vuelo de Detroit fue prefabricado por los servicios secreto
Información ofrecida por: http://www.rafapal.com Esto cada vez me recuerda más a la fábula del “Traje nuevo del emperador”. Cuando, en los instantes de rabia ante tanta mentira, me pregunto cómo acabará esta farsa, me olvido de que ya está terminando. Y lo está haciendo dejando expuesto que el Emperador está desnudo… mientras continúan diciendo que es muy bonito el inexistente vestido que le tejió un embaucador.
Mientras la OMS ha quedado absolutamente en evidencia ante el fracaso de su falsa epidemia (como publicaba ayer, el verdadero problema ha sido la vacuna), hoy los medios reflejan las declaraciones del Emperador Obama, reconociendo que “los servicios de seguridad fallaron esta vez” (y por eso, deben ampliar los cacheos en los aeropuertos. Los cacheos que tú y yo vamos a sufrir, no lo olvides).
Todo lo que dice Obama tendría mucha lógica y coherencia, si no fuera porque ha habido varios pasajeros del avión Amsterdam-Detroit en el que sucedió el “intento de atentado” que han contado en la CNN que el niño (porque era un niño) que quiso detonar la bomba consiguió pasar al aeropuerto sin pasaporte gracias a un hombre hindú muy bien vestido, que le abrió el paso después de hablar con las autoridades del aeropuerto. Parece de risa (negra) pero el matrimonio Kurt y Debora Haskell cuentan en la CNN -al mismo tiempo que Obama anuncia más medidas de seguridad- que el FBI no se interesó por esta vital información cuando interrogaron a los ocupantes del avión. Otra pasajera comenta que los servicios de seguridad permitían entrar al avión sin ningún tipo de registro. Lo cual no es una novedad: al igual que ocurre constantemente en todos los atentados, las cámaras de seguridad que nos vigilan diariamente DEJAN DE FUNCIONAR MISTERIOSAMENTE CUANDO PASAN LOS TERRORISTAS.
¿Y, bien, señor Obama? ¿Qué hacemos? ¿Nos reímos de esta farsa o qué hacemos? ¿Y vosotros, periodistas, vais a contar esta importantísima información o necesitáis que el equipo de Investigar 11-S la traduzca y subtitule para que se entere todo el mundo hispano y quedéis en evidencia como con la gripe A?
No hay duda, el Emperador va desnudo. La risa es la única protesta que queda en este asqueroso mundo.
PD: Estoy convencido de que cada vez la mentira va a ser más descarada. Video en ingles:
CNN Airs Witness Testimony that 'Well Dressed' Indian accomplice helped Abdulmutallab board without passport and that man on plane filmed entire flight and bombing attempt
Evidence is emerging that clearly indicates Abdulmutallab was able to board only with the help of an unidentified well dressed man seen at the boarding gate.
Kurt Haskell and his wife, who were witnesses on board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 saw Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab at the boarding gate in Amsterdam. Haskell told CNN that the accused bomber appeared strikingly 'poor' next to the well-dressed man he said was obviously wealthy and appeared to be of Indian ethnicity. According to Haskell, that man did the talking for him, explaining to the flight personnel at the gate that Abdulmutallab needed to board without a passport, claiming that he was a Sudanese refugee.
The gate attendee referred the odd-couple to the manager. Haskell said that was the last he saw of the wealthy man, but later recognized Abdulmutallab after the incident occurred on the plane. That's when he says he put two and two together about the unusual connection.
His wife found it 'odd' that authorities have not yet followed up on their witness account, as they were the only ones known to have witnessed Abdulmutallab with the 'Indian' man prior to boarding the flight.
If he had help getting on the flight with no passport after having been reported to the authorities by his own father, what is the true explanation for the man seen filming the entire flight? Another witness on board the flight, Richelle Keepman, said she noticed the cameraman at the beginning of the flight, believing the man might have been simply excited about a first flight, or etc. Later when the 'bombing' incident took place, she says the cameraman was the only one standing up, and intently filming the entire incident.
Put this together with the coinciding announcement that Yemen 'is the next front in the fight against Al Qaeda', the media's immediate hype of the event, and the ready-made Body Scanners and other 'enhanced' Airport security, it is clear that this is a contrived incident intentionally unleashed to goad renewed support for ever-expanding terrorism-related warfare in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, prepatory talks about Iran, and now Yemen.
Just like after 9/11, airport travellers are again prepared to accept greater violations of their liberties and privacy for supposed security. Yet patsies and watchlist-subjects alike have repeatedly been allowed to bypass security clearance and been proven to have ties to the intelligence community.
The latest accused 'terrorist' Abdulmutallab was very likely the fallguy in a pattern-drill-- handled by wealthy, mismatched associates, allowed to board without required credentials, and videotaped by a cameraman with an unknown connection. Was Abdulmutallab involved with these figures through a drill which ended with an intentionally-failed bombing meant to incite great fear of terrorism?
This would fit closely with other elements of CIA-concocted "terrorism." Many of the 9/11 hijackers and other known extremists were revealed to have participated in 'dry run' drills, shared addresses with intelligence handlers or lived on military bases, were allowed to pass through the border despite being on one or more watchlists, and were given VISAS/Passports through execptions and/or special clearance.
Similarly, David Headly, named in the Mumbai attack, has been exposed as a CIA-double agent. http://www.prisonplanet.com/terrorist...
FBI/CIA provocateurs and exaggerated accounts of extremists groups have continued to emerge from the phony stories given to the public in the cases of many would-be plots, such as in Toronto, 'plot' to bomb the Sears Tower, the Transatlantic liquid bomb plot, alleged plans to 'blow up a Jewish temple and shoot down military planes' in New York and more. http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/... http://www.prisonplanet.com/new-york-... http://www.prisonplanet.com/cia-and-m... http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/...
We see a similar pattern here, the emerging evidence strongly suggests. How long will we allow deliberately-provoked terror incidents to frighten us to death, invade our privacy, erode our liberties, restrict our travel and perpetuate an ever-expanding string of wars?
Benjamin Franklin long ago warned us that "If we restrict liberty to attain security, we will lose both." And that those willing to make that bargain deserve neither their liberty nor security.
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